Today was Elective Geog. Strategised as well, it was more or less alright. Just that my hand was hurting like mad after the paper. There was so much to write. From the beginning to the end, I was like writting like mad, and rushing for time. I SPENT SO MUCH TIME ON THE MAP. Stupid me. Haha.
Science Practical is tomorrow. Aiming for distinctions as usual, Mr Tang said that w/o a distinction for prac, we can forget bout B3 and above for sciences. I'll be learning how to draw all the fruits and whatever later. I should head for the bed first, super tired.
For the past few weeks, whenever I was at tuition, I'd make it a point to make a trip next door to visit Belle at her workplace. I'm so glad Althea's working with her now, at least she has company. PRESTY, study hard for geog, and practice hard for maths, you'll be able to do it! : )
And, I'm finally all the nonsense. Looking back at it, I was seriously just being stupid and dumb. OMG, idiot! I finally know what you meant, you must have really wanted to slap me tight on the face to wake me up then. I'm finally up, I finally sorted out my feelings, and now, it just disgusts me when I seee... hm, I shant say it here. Idiot you know what I mean! Haha.
Ok speaking bout Idiot. IDIOT. IDIOT IDIOT. Its been a long time since I last talked to you or even saw you (I think) Shit la, feel so distant already. Hope your alright? Haha, your most prob enjoying yr holidays! I miss you la, time to catch up soon!
Lately I also met Evan, Nora, and Pinky. People I've yet to hear from, BEA, Lizzy, Jasper, etc. I miss all of you, and I really mean it. And to you, I hope we could talk things out soon, I really miss you. And I really have so many things to tell you shakeit. Please hear me out, if you read this. Things have changed and different alr, I admit I was in the wrong. Oh well. I really hope we could meet soon. It's been 7 months.
On the other hand, Tng's been so sweet, reminding me to study hard. Offering her help now that her hols are here, she's most prob helping me with physics. I miss that one as well, a very good friend I've been treasuring since primary school : ) Thanks babe.
I've been reminding myself that this is my LAST paper I'm taking set by IJ, before the real O's. I've also been reminding myself of first three months at CJ, in order to push myself to work harder for the prelims. And I'd have to admit, it's actually helping!
Alright, study hard everyone!
Regardless of whether its the O levels, N levels or A levels or for some, even PSLE or normal examinations. Hahaha, ok. I'll be off. It won't be anytime soon, that I'll be blogging. Shall end off with pictures then. Nat pig long, we shall play bball tmr instead ok. : ) Study hard ah Nat, acjc!, my pro GS!

Jamie, thanks for being there during exams!

I miss.

JINGLE! I hope your owner's doing well : ) I miss you too!

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